Sunday 31 October 2010

Viewing Diary 31/10/10

This week, I watched The Daily Show With John Stewart (Thurs 28/10/10 - 8:30-9:00pm - More 4.) The Daily Show is a satirical programme focused mainly on American politics. The show usually follows a simple format in which the first two thirds are taken up with Stewart delivering his comments on the day's news and discussing current affairs with one or tow panelists. In the last third of the programme a guest is introduced and interviewed by Stewart in a more traditional "chat show" style. However, the episode I watched consisted only of an interview between Stewart and US President Barack Obama. Obama is the only President who has been on the show while still in office and it was obviously decided that an interview with him warranted the entire length of the programme.

While the Daily Show is primarily an entertainment programme, John Stewart is does not approach his subjects unprepared. He is a highly skilled interviewer and his relaxed persona often allows his interviewees to open up more than they normally would and in this particular episode President Obama seems extremely comfortable when giving his answers.

For repeat viewings, The Daily Show can be found at the 40d site.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Juice FM

On Friday 8th, I went to Juice FM in Brighton to lend a hand to Ali Rezakhani's live show "Friday Night Juice." The show is broadcast from 9-11pm and contains a mix of music and speech. On this particular night, I was involved in doing research on the previous week's news and television highlights, as well as collating listings of the weekend's upcoming events. I felt that I performed well in my research role and have been invited back the next time the show is broadcast live.

Friday Night Juice Facebook Page:

Juice FM: